About Yahara Counseling Center
About our Founder
Marilsa Hansen, MS, LPC is the founder and owner of Yahara Counseling Center, LLC (YCC) located in Monona, near Madison, in Wisconsin. She has more than 10 years history working in the mental health field as a skilled clinical psychotherapist and business owner specializing in individual, couples, group, and family therapy. Her cases include a wide variety of patients working to improve their communication skills, learning coping skills, problem solving, improving the quality of their relationships, as well as traveling through self-exploration. Her psychotherapy approach is driven by evidence-base studies which are published after extensive research and are documented as successful treatment approaches.
Marilsa’s clinical training includes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) from the Beck’s Institute in Philadelphia and The Gottman Method, couples therapy, from the Gottman Institute. Marilsa has an eclectic approach to treating a wide variety of issues that range from depression and anxiety to self-management and self-concept, as well as various mental health diagnosis. Her experience includes: clinical therapy, psycho education, and public speaking. She received her counseling degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Counseling Psychology Department. She enjoys writing music and playing musical instruments. She lives in the Madison area with her husband and dogs.
Marilsa es nacida y criada en Puerto Rico. Obtuvo su bachillerato en Iowa State University en 1986 y su maestría en la Universidad de Wisconsin-Madison en 1999. Al ser así, tiene un mejor entendimiento de ambas culturas y el proceso de aculturacion en los Estados Unidos.
Search for your best self
If you are struggling, if you are unhappy, if your relationships are not successful, it is our hope to give you the resources and skills to support you in making changes.
- Improve communication skills
- Improve quality of relationships
- Improve quality of life
- Learn coping skills
- Problem-solve
- Self-exploration
- Self-improvement
- Comprehend your own behavior and how it impacts you and others
- And much, much more…